
Drones Are Changing The Insurance Industry

While many people fly drones for fun or to take amazing photos and video, drones are becoming a hot commodity in the insurance industry. Many insurance companies are now using drones to improve the way that they service customers while, at the same time, helping maintain their bottom line. This means a variety of things to customers and insurance professionals alike. First, drones a helping insura...

11 Amazing Facts About The Drone Industry

Everybody knows that drones are big business. The question is will they grow into the massive multibillion dollar business that many are predicting? Or will regulations, fear, and uncertainty stifle this fledgling industry and cut its branches before it can grow? This article is an interesting look at some astounding business facts related to the drone industry. If you own or are considering buyin...

Indiana Based Startup Wants to Become the Uber of Drone Photography

A startup company in Indiana is working to become the next Uber of drone Services. Droning About has designed an application that allows people who need drone photography to connect with licensed drone pilots who can provide those services. “The biggest communication company in the world doesn’t communicate, and that’s Facebook. The biggest taxi service in the world doesn’t own a car, and that’s U...

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