Generally we would not recommend flying powerful FPV racing drones at high speeds while sipping on an alcoholic beverage. And we still don’t recommend it. However, while watching other people fly at high speeds during televised Drone Racing League events, it sound like a good plan! Budweiser has announced that it will be sponsoring the Drone Racing League. This is a major milestone for the D...
Ever wondered where drone racing got its start? Many DIY hobbyists have been building and racing radio controlled vehicles for years. But in order to become a popular sport, Drone Racing, just like anything else, needed a kickstart and a way to become popular with a generation that is already inundated with media every day. The Drone Racing League has become that way. It is less than three years o...
If you have been following the DRL (Drone Racing League) on television, you know that it can be challenging to find out when and on what network it is showing. And for anyone who really wants to follow this exciting new sport, you probably want to see every episode so that you can catch the run up to the final races. Well now you can watch the whole season, in its entirety on the Drone Racing Leag...
Many big names are adding money to and funding FPV drone racing. Satellite broadcaster Sky has invested $1m into the Drone Racing League (DRL) to help bring the sport to the masses via their wide reach. The appeal is apparent as soon as you sit down to watch a race. Spectators are placed in the view (first person view) of the drone striking through the course and witness first hand when a drone sp...
The Drone Racing League recognizes that as FPV drone racing becomes more popular the need for more safety guidance becomes essential. So this year they launched, a web site designed to provide guidance for international drone racers on best practices for conducting safe FPV racing events worldwide. “As the popularity of FPV flight grows globally, it has become more ...
If you visit this site regularly, you know that we talk frequently about FPV drone racing and the excitement that the hobby is generating. At the PSFK 2016 conference in New York, Nick Horbaczewski introduced the audience to the new sport of drone racing, and his organization, the DRL (Drone Racing League). However, despite all the hype and excitement around this fledgeling sport, Nick cautioned t...