Freedom Class Drone Racing

FPV racing drones
Freedom Class Drone Racing

FPV drone racing is definitely going to be an exciting sport to behold as it grows, gains media coverage and becomes more popular. But something completely beyond it is Freedom Class drone racing, which involves much larger, heavier and more powerful drones that approach 100 miles per hour and weigh up to 130 kilograms. This is some insane stuff!

“It was great to see the power train work flawlessly after our early challenges.” said CTO of Freedom Drone Sports Leonard Hall. “From a spectator’s perspective the sound was fantastic, and the aircraft will be clearly seen and heard from hundreds of meters away.”

Of course, there are logistics to be worked out, but given the nature of the project, it’s easy to see why people are getting excited about it.

To read more:

The next Formula One takes flight

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